IN MEMORIAM 02/09/1950 – 25/05/2023
As a supporter of BORG many of you will have met, or worked with, Norman Shepherd, and it is with great sadness that we announce his death.
Norman passed away quite unexpectedly, in his sleep, on Thursday 25th May 2023 while on holiday in Barnstaple with his wife, Ker, and beloved pooch, Toby.
Norman was fascinated with nature and was incredibly passionate about birds. When he was given the opportunity to retire Norman soon became involved in voluntary work with AVDC, working on the otter spotter project in Buckingham and with the Aylesbury Barn Owl Project. His enthusiasm, passion and camaraderie with landowners and professionals helped forge the group that BORG has become. He devoted much of the last twenty years to Owl and Raptor protection in Buckinghamshire helping us expand the project by building, installing, and monitoring boxes. He rapidly gained his ‘C’ ringing permit from the BTO and became a mentor to many other volunteers in the group. He regularly gave talks and demonstrations on what the group does and why we do it and had become an integral part of the group’s admin team.
Norman’s never-ending support and enthusiasm for all things owl and raptor was an inspiration for many and he will leave a huge vacuum within the group, but he will be leaving behind a legacy of help, support and local conservation successes that his family can be proud of.
On behalf of BORG and our supporters, we offer our heartfelt condolences to Ker and all his family.
R.I.P. Norman

and she will try to assist and re-arrange things where possible.