Keeping Friends of BORG informed
Newsletter October 2024
This Newsletter is now available as a .pfd download, please click HERE

Newsletter January 2024
This Newsletter is now available as a .pfd download, please click HERE

Newsletter March 2023
This Newsletter is now available as a .pfd download, please click HERE

IN MEMORIAM 02/09/1950 – 25/05/2023
As a supporter of BORG many of you will have met, or worked with, Norman Shepherd, and it is with great sadness that we announce his death.
Norman passed away quite unexpectedly, in his sleep, on Thursday 25th May 2023 while on holiday in Barnstaple with his wife, Ker, and beloved pooch, Toby.
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*Stokbord, a Viable Alternative?
Over the course of our monitoring we have found the standard of the exterior grade plywood used to make our boxes has been variable. Some of the boxes have started to delaminate after a few short months, yet others have fared better. This has led to BORG researching for a viable alternative that will last longer but also one that would be suitable for…
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Newsletter JUNE 2019
Due to a combination of a cold, wet spring (the beast from the east), followed by the long, hot, dry summer last year was very disappointing for the owls and kestrels across Buckinghamshire. Many of the birds did not even try to breed and those that did deserted eggs and chicks because they…
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Newsletter December 2018
BORG volunteers have been very busy this year, checking boxes for nesting birds, ringing and recording chicks breed in our boxes. There is something very special in finding young owl and kestrel chicks in the boxes you have sponsored and we know how much you appreciate being involved and included at these special times.
2018 has been an extremely difficult year for all of our Owls. We have included later in this newsletter some brief statistics to demonstrate how the birds coped with…
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This is the time of the year we look forward to because not only is monitoring in full swing, we also get the chance to meet many of you at the counties summer shows. In recent years we’ve had the pleasure of your company at the Bucks County Show as well as Winslow Show.
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A Tough Little Bird
During our monitoring work last week we found a barn owl in a recently re-located box. Nothing unusual in that, except on approaching the owl, it was completely still, in fact we thought it was dead. As we got a little closer to the owl inside the box it moved but didn’t look quite right.
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Newsletter August 2018
Little Owls are really suffering in Bucks and across the country. Last winter saw us installing several new Little Owl boxes in the hope that they would encourage the owls to nest this year. Our aim is to further increase the number of boxes this year, so fingers crossed for 2019.
Just one of the stories from our August newsletter,
Click HERE to read more…Newsletter August 2018